
Two solid days of fun in the sun! Sunny blue sky with temps near 80F but we survived with the light breeze that kept us from cooking. Fairport was amazing! Pittsford was amazing! Spencerport was amazing! Concerts every night, ice cream every day! Lots of boaters and curious people wanting to know everything about our boat and our journey. Every time we say Alaska the crowds gather! The dockmaster phoned the lift bridge operator who then abandoned the bridge station and walked down to the wall to talk to us. The musicians in the band came over. The canal is much more lively than when we came through seven weeks ago. The flowers are blooming in every color and their fragrances are powerful, yet soothing. There are so many historic buildings and churches and each new town brings another surprise. We went to the Baptist Church in Fairport today.  It was built in 1876 and still has a pipe organ. We met a Mason in Pittsford and he gave us a tour of the Lodge which was built in the 1800's. We visited a cemetery with headstones that had late 1700's dates on them.  We walked down this neat trail to a wildlife marsh with thousands of birds singing and winging their way through cattails 7 feet high. We have seen several folks that we met seven weeks ago and it was fun talking again or just yelling and waving as we cruised by. Another highlight was the Pittsford Dairy where we bought.....yes you know....ice cream, but also fresh milk in a glass jar! We have been busy having tons of fun and sadly as much as we drag it out, we are maybe two days away from the starting point, and the end of the boating journey. We have been through 123 locks and only have two left, of which Frazier wishes it were zero! He has been a great dock and lock hand. I tried to get him to drive and told him I would handle the lines but I think he is afraid of showing me up. Carrie was shamed into driving today so I got to relax in the bunk and feel the cool breeze through the hatch and watch the treetops glide by directly above. Mega fun trip!


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