
Showing posts from June 7, 2017

Central Park

Our French neighbors Ed and Sabine left the marina early this morning to try and beat the ebb tide plus Hudson current. I managed to get their attention and wave goodbye in the dark and then it was back to bed for a bit longer. I promised the family I would sleep in today and they were hoping for 8am. Nope....couldnt do it and I was at the marina shower by 7:30a. After we were up and full of breakfast, back on the ferry and over to Manhattan we went....this time armed with bicycles! It wasn't bad going north on 8th Ave in the bike lane, except for the millions of people trying to run over us. We made it to Central Park and went around the entire perimeter loop, stopping for pictures and to let the dogs run and play. When it was time to go south toward the marina, there were no bike lanes. The local police did not even know of any. So.....we peddled like crazy people from Alaska down the middle of 7th Ave (another one way), dodging people, taxis, and buses, and made it back. The si...