
Showing posts from June 10, 2017

Liberty To Mechanicville

After a late night visiting I still managed to get everyone moving by 8am. Allison and I took the dogs for their morning walk and admired the sights once more. We departed at 9:20a and took a side trip back to the Statue of Liberty so Allison could get some pictures. We finally got moving in the right direction at 10:00a and about the time we got to the north end of Manhattan, the Coast Guard stopped us, boarded the boat, and gave us a surprise inspection, which we passed. Then it was seven hard hours at 28 knots dodging thousands of sticks and logs northbound up the Hudson.  We pushed the time limit and had 7 minutes until the last lock closed prior to Mechanicville. Whew....that was a close one. I was afraid as we pulled into the city dock wall we would find it packed full of boats at 5:00p on a hot Saturday afternoon. I was totally surprised to find it empty! We had the entire place to ourselves with free electricity! We walked a couple miles into town for cold drinks and pizza....