Norrie State Park and Marina

Another beautiful day cruising on the Hudson. We saw several old lighthouses, magnificent castles, and only a few boats. Arriving at Norrie SP marina, we inquired about the local area. After a quick lunch, we were off on a 7 mile hike to the Mills Mansion. We walked through the woods and along the coast until it majestically appeared on a beautiful grassy hill. Along the trail we saw some huge centipedes and our first snake. "We ain't in Alaska anymore!" The mansion was built in 1895 during the "gilded" years when some very wealthy men were making and spending millions. Everything was great until we got back to the boat and I found a tick on Gibson. That is when the real yucky fun began. Eventually I pulled about 20 off both dogs. After that it was doggy shower time, and then I pulled out the scissors and gave them both a buzz.  It was a long evening!


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